Companies that conduct or want to conduct business in a global arena can't miss the opportunity to be present during the Chinese New Year. This is a critical period for marketers across Asia and marketers are starting to take notice. As reported by 9 to 5 Mac, for the first time Apple will be releasing an ad specifically made for the Chinese New Year similar to it's Christmas "The Song Ad".
A report by TNS Global presented insights on what resonates with the Chinese audience during this Critical period for advertisers. Here we share the types of advertising that create short-term involvement and build long-term brand memories during the Chinese New Year:
1. Don't settle for short-term impact
Focus on delivering your brand's point of difference and making long-term connections. Brands that focus on momentary fun without communicating what makes their brand great tend to be quickly forgotten.
2. Be relevant to your audience and to the occasion
Address themes and stir emotions that are relevant to the audience of the Chinese New Year. It is not enough to connect emotionally, the connections must be relevant to the festival itself.
3. Don't be afraid to be yourself
Stick to your core values. There is no need to change the brand in order to make it "fit" into the Chinese New Year. Brands should maintain their core values and build meaningful connections from there. As an example Ferrero Rocher did very good by creating a high-end ad with family reunion appeal.
4. Be novel but not irreverent
When creating novelty don't go against the themes of the festival or those celebrating it. The Seaweed brand Gurume, created an ad where people decorated themselves with seaweed, it failed to connect with audiences because it lacked relevance to the festival.
5. Use symbols but don't rely on them
Focus on values not on symbols. The symbols of the God of prosperity made a couple of cameos on various ads. Using symbols is no substitute for putting the values of Chinese New Year at the heart of the campaign.
Marketers looking to gain brand equity in Asia can't afford to ignore this event. By sticking to their core values and tailoring a campaign around the themes of "reunion", "family" or "welcome" brands should be able to connect emotionally and increase their recognition and recall.
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